
Bradley, McCain Face Crucial Test

McCain's chances in New York will depend on his ability to win without independent voters, Carroll said.

"He's been on a high-wire act ever since this thing started," he said. "It's still a high-wire act for McCain."


But for Bradley, the high-wire act appears to have reached its end. He trails Gore in all Democratic primaries taking place today, including California and New York.

Turlington said "very few people" would have given Bradley's campaign a chance one-and-a-half years ago.

"Against that establishment power, we've accomplished a lot," he said. "All over the country, students have gotten involved."

Rachel E. Taylor '03, a Bradley supporter, said Bradley is the only candidate willing to talk about race and to change education. She said she cannot understand why more progressive voters have not cast their ballots for Bradley.

"I'm kind of at a loss to figure out what's going on in the country...[and] what people are thinking," Taylor said.

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