
Bradley, McCain Face Crucial Test

Patterson said that 25,000 Massachusetts voters changed their party affiliation from Democrat to independent or Republican before the primary.

"John McCain would get the large percentage of those voters," Patterson said.

He said that since many voters subscribe to the consensus view that Gore has wrapped up the Democratic nomination, more voters will participate in the still-viable Republican race.


"There is still a little bit of life left in the Republican race," he said.

Titanic Tuesday

Outside Massachusetts, crucial battles will take place in the delegate-rich states of California, New York and Ohio.

Except for Connecticut, where McCain and Bush are in a dogfight, the former senator from Arizona is expected to sweep the New England states--but Bush will most likely win the delegates in California, Georgia, Maryland, Missouri and Ohio.

The blanket primary in California, where voters are presented with a ballot that includes candidates from all parties will likely be the most intriguing to watch.

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