
The Party Lines Vs. From the Ranks

"It's a mess. Personally, I don't understand it, and the people who work with me say it's a pain in the neck...People aren't happy."

--Professor of Education and Social Policy Gary Orfield

Graduate School of Design:

The Party Line:


"Our transition here at the Design School went really well because we had a lot of meetings here to get everybody ready for the transition....There's been some adjustment which is never easy. But I certainly wouldn't say that the hassle has outweighed the benefits."

--Assistant Director of Computer Resources Paul B. Cote

From the Ranks:

"The problem is that all the systems and programs that we have to use keep crashing and they're slow and they're not reliable. When the systems are in place I think it's going to be a big improvement, but when the systems are not in place it's a big hassle."

--Molly Howard, office manager and assistant to the chair of the department of urban planning and design

Law School

From the Ranks:

"When it first came in there were a few little snags in the beginning, but I think overall it has been a really good way...There seem to be fewer problems."

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