
Less Than a Week Away, Election Inspires Apathy

"I'll vote for Bush for moral reasons," he says.

But Niehaus then adds that he doesn't plan to vote at all--a resident of liberal Massachusetts, he says he doesn't think his vote would matter.

Disillusionment with the two major candidates and the two-party system has led other students to support Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.


"I am scared to death of the continuation of the status quo in which all politicians are puppets of major corporations," says Nader backer James A. Pinto '04.

Sarah L. Thomas '04 agrees, saying, "I think it is ridiculous that this country has become stuck in this two-party system."

Yet some progressives worry that a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.

"I thought about Ralph Nader," says Lounsbury, who says he appreciates Nader's environmental stances. "But I don't think he has a chance of winning."

Reversing the Trend?

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