
Less Than a Week Away, Election Inspires Apathy

"I watched the debates and argued with my roommates," said Patrick C. Todd '02. "But I really don't care very much. It's interesting but not really that important in my life."

Some students say they are interested in the election primarily for its entertainment value.

Jeff E. Hammerbacher '04 says the only result he hopes for is that the election be "close and down to the wire."


Even some who are sure about who they will vote for are not thrilled.

"He's the lesser of two evils," said Camille A. Rankine '04, explaining her less than wholehearted support for Vice President Al Gore '69.

And politicians will have a hard time targeting the problem--students point to a broad range of reasons for their disengagement.

Some say they believe that the large amounts of money necessary for elections distance politicians from real people and issues. Others voice concerns about an entrenched two-party system. Even more felt that Gore and Texas Gov. George W. Bush simply aren't worth getting excited over.

"I'm disappointed," said J. Barton Lounsbury '01. "I don't like either candidate very much."

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