
How to Accept the Impending Mets' Defeat

11. Jim Edmonds. The best all-around center fielder in the game since...Willie Mays? If he consistently puts in seasons like he did this year, he may even be better. He makes dazzling over-the-shoulder catches like Mays did and bats like him, too. Edmonds hit .295 with 42 homeruns and 108 RBI during the regular season. He was even better against the Braves, hitting .571 with two homeruns and seven RBI in three games.

12. That big guy. It's Game Seven, bottom of the ninth, two outs. You're down three runs with the bases loaded. The pitcher is scheduled to bat next. You smirk. You point your finger down the bench at the burly man with the red goatee. "You. Grab a bat." The man heads to the batter's box and launches one into the night. Game over. You win. The man is Mark McGwire.


Unfortunately, that scene will never play itself out because the Cardinals will win in six. I know. I give the Mets too much credit. I don't want to shatter Mr. Volonnino's world too much. He's a nice guy, just seriously misguided.

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