
How to Accept the Impending Mets' Defeat

2. The Cardinals' history. With the exception of the New York Yankees, who seem to buy championships, no other team has won as many championships as the Cardinals have. From Dizzy Dean to Stan Musial to Bob Gibson to Ozzie Smith to Mark McGwire, the team has been a model

of consistency in turning out superstar players and nine championships spread over five decades (soon to be 10 championships over six decades).


3. The fan base. Cardinal fans are rabid. No team's fans in the New York metropolitan area compare to those of the Cardinals. Earlier this summer, Sports Illustrated called St. Louis the best baseball town in America, and The Sporting News called St. Louis the best sports town in America.

4. The element of surprise. Because St. Louis isn't the media capital of the world, the Cardinals have been lost in the pipe-dream speculation of a Subway Series between the Mets and Yankees. After first baseman Mark McGwire went down with an injury, the Cardinals quietly built the second-best record in the National League. Chances are good that the Mets will have their hands full with an explosive offense and stifling defense St. Louis showcased against Atlanta.

5. The Big Mo. The Cardinals have the momentum entering the series, having swept the Braves in three and having an extra day of rest while the Mets were sweating it out against the

Giants. The taste of victory is all too sweet, and the Cardinals have that flavor lingering in their mouths.

6. Defense. Employing the best middle-of-the-field defense in baseball, the Cardinals have reason to be confident because shortstop Edgar Renteria, second baseman Fernando Vina and center fielder Jim Edmonds will form a black hole up the middle. Grounders, line drives and pop-ups will go there to die.

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