
Three Local Vigils Raise Awareness of Kosovo

Marchers Speak for, against NATO involvement

"Christian Orthodox will celebrate Easter tomorrow. My question here today is will they get back to their homes alive?" one priest said. "Will they survive another night of bombing?"

Many speakers, including a Roman Catholic deacon and a Jewish peace activist also voiced their support for the Serbian people.


Stephanie Johnson, who identified herself as an American mother, said the events in Kosovo were preventable and she identifies with the people there.

"Today I am Serbian, Yugoslavian, Iranian and Guatemalan," Johnson said. "I am a good American."

Later, another speaker read a letter from a mother with a daughter in Belgrade. "Our Easter used to be a day of joy and happiness. Not this time," the letter read. "We'll spend it in the shelter praying."

Many people attending the vigil have family in Belgrade or other personal motivation for being there.

Others at the vigil said they were dismayed at the media's handling of the bombing.

"The media is absolutely ignoring us," Northeastern student Mariola Magovcevic said. "Hopefully people who pass by will see us and understand the other side."

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