
Three Local Vigils Raise Awareness of Kosovo

Marchers Speak for, against NATO involvement

"The purpose is we are asking people to help us stop the bombing of Yugoslavia," said SANE president Gordana G. Todorov.

The vigil started at 3:30 p.m., just as the bombs were beginning to fall in Kosovo that night.

SANE member Milyana Bovan, one of the vigil's organizers, said the demonstrations are vital to the advancement of their cause.


"NATO is currently engaged in genocidal acts against all Yugoslavian citizens, Serbs and Albanians," Bovan said. "Our position has been completely silenced. It's crucial to hear the Serbian side of the story."

Bovan said the target symbol has great significance.

"It's presenting that we're all a target," Bovan added. "Eleven million people in Yugoslavia. Who knows how many next?"

Standing next to three people holding religiously-themed pictures, a series of speakers stood atop a milk crate.

The first two speakers were priests who called attention to the fact that the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrated Easter yesterday.

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