
Rep. Barrios Gets Results In Brief House Term

However, at $60 million, this bill proved too expensive for this year's state budget.

Right now the bill is 'in study' in the Joint Committee on Commerce and Labor--which means it won't move without more research.


On a more personal note, Barrios, who is Cuban-American, started a book project for a Cuban library where some of his family members work.

However, because of sanctions against Cuba, the Cuban government did not allow him to donate the books to the town library.

Looking to the future, Barrios is looking to push a bill that would require mortgage institutions to lend to low-income neighborhoods. The current law requires only banks to lend to low-income neighborhoods. The inclusion of mortgage institutions, which Barrios says direct 60 percent of lending resources, would help fortify these communities.

"I needed to have the answers. God was smiling on me when they put me on the banking committee," he says.

Away From Stereotypes

Despite his achievements, a large part of Barrios' media play has focused on his unique position--the young, gay, Latino lawyer cum state representative.

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