
Rep. Barrios Gets Results In Brief House Term

He was a lawyer at the prestigious Boston firm of Hill & Barlow, but he says it was more for the salary than for a love of working in a private law firm.

"How else do you pay $1,300 a month in law school debt? You have to get a job that helps you pay it," Barrios said.

He had always planned to go into public service, and his curiosity was piqued by the area of public interest law.


In politics, Barrios found a way to satisfy both these interests.

Directly after graduating from Harvard, he interned as an aide to a Boston City Councillor, getting an early taste of Massachusetts politics.

But he apparently picked up enough political savvy along the way to run what local politicos called a brilliant campaign in 1998.

His success came from a simple tactic: listening.

"When I campaigned, I found people wanted somebody who represented them, to both represent their values and to be results-oriented," he says.

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