
Blast! Preview: More Interviews With Tonight's Bands


The Crimson spoke to Scott Pagano, the bassist of Kick the Chemist, via e-mail. Few of his answers were true, but they were certainly entertaining.

THC: I've heard things about breaking bottles on stage. Do you plan to do anything special for the show this Friday?


SP: It struck us that breaking bottles was very childish and set a bad example for our younger fans. We have a trained ape which accidently swallowed a halogen lamp and now projects images of its insides wherever it faces. We have the ape dancing to our music, which is something no human has been able to achieve.

THC: Some of your band members have worked with members of the Red Essentials. What do you think about the other bands?

SP: I met some of the Red Essentials while we were hired ship hands in the South Pacific. They seemed always to be the ones who contracted the strangest diseases. The greatest times I can remember ever having are those early days of Polaroid (which included Brendan Greaves '00 of the Red Essentials). We would drive around Arizona with the top down singing and playing harmonica till the sun rose. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Luksuosowa record (also with Brendan Greaves), several of the tracks have already been licensed to "The Price is Right" as background music.

THC: How did the band members meet?

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