
Stumped:Candidates Go the Distance

"Have to stay ahead of them," she says.

She does, for a while, but eventually has to explain to some confused first-years, "I'm from the council, but this is about something else."


As Tenney chats with first-years, the BGLTSA is interviewing candidates seeking the group's endorsement. The group's executive board will speak with candidates from three tickets--

Driskell-Burton, Plants-Wikler and Darling and his running mate Nehal S. Patel '02.

Having grabbed a quick dinner of chicken with black bean sauce and pan-fried noodles at the Hong Kong, Darling meets up with Patel for their endorsement interview.

They handle the softball questions with no problem, talking about the importance of student groups. When the board asks how Patel and Darling voted on last year's controversial ROTC bill, they find themselves justifying their affirmative votes.

"There was a time when student groups represented different interests and didn't overlap," Darling says. "That isn't necessarily the case anymore."

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