
Stumped:Candidates Go the Distance

"They're going to lose momentum," he says, stepping outside Gnomon's into the morning drizzle. "If somebody starts too early on, they're old news by the time the election rolls around...their stuff will fade into the background."

Fading into the background is something no one could accuse Dreyfus of doing. Over six feet tall, with thick glasses and a ragged black ponytail, he is a slightly imposing presence as he strides through the Yard to the Science Center. While waiting for his copies, he is going to the Media and Production Center to rent a megaphone.


"I'll be using it Friday morning outside the Science Center," he says, refusing to say what exactly he'll be using it for.

10:45 a.m.

Plants is finishing up his poster run, explaining his strategic positioning. He says he makes sure to put up his "Plants for U.C. President" posters near any advertisements for an event in Agassiz Theatre or the lower long distance phone rates--issues that figure greatly in his platform.

"I hate this process," he grumbles, mentioning the irony that part of his platform deals with increased recycling at the College.

As he posters, he talks about how his ticket's campaigning is focused on door-to-door canvassing rather than flyers.

"We are really, really getting positive feedback from going door to door," he says enthusiastically. One of the advantages of having a first-year on his ticket, he says, is that Wikler can schmooze his classmates in Annenberg Hall.

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