
Understaffed Dorm Crew Tries to Adjust

"Changes are coming, and they're coming soon, in the next two or three weeks," he says.

But Dorm Crew leaders themselves may have little role in most of the major choices.


"It's out of our hands--it's not up to us at all to make those sort of decisions," Matthews says.

FMO official Robert F. Wolfreys would not speculate on a precise timetable for changes. But he cautions that students should not expect a quick fix.

"What we've been telling people all along is that we're going to get to their bathroom as quickly as possible," Wolfreys says. "That still stands."

A program to recruit student organizations has met with limited success.

Wolfreys says two or three organizations have accepted Dorm Crew's offer of using group members as workers, a more predictable means of fundraising than planning dances or screening movies.

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