
Jimi Haha Shares Secret Recipe

JH: (Laughs). I don't like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch. I like girls that wear nothing at all! Those A&F girls are just waiting to break my stupid heart. Actually, that's really funny because we played a show recently with LFO and Joey MacIntire. I played the show with a Joey MacIntire shirt on the whole time. I think we are the only band fucked up enough to do a show with LFO and an ex-New Kid.

THC: What do you think about the new boy-band, candy-crap craze like the Backstreet Boys, Nsync and LFO?

JH: Well, I find it nauseating as most people do. But, fuck, I want to go on tour with them. We are the only band corny enough to want to play in front of a few thousand screaming teeny-boppers. Most of them wouldn't even know what a guitar is!


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