
Jimi Haha Shares Secret Recipe

JH: Well, our sound is a mix of a whole much of musical genres, so I guess this list won't seem that random. My musical heroes are the Beatles, Black Sabbath, Grateful Dead, Beach Boys, Bob Marley and even the Red Hot Chili Peppers. The other guys like a whole lot of other music, but we certainly respect and enjoy listening to everyone's music. I can't say that there was anything in particular that we were listening to that pushed us in any direction. The first record was the result of an ongoing movement in a hard rock direction over many years. Our music is fairly consistent between the two albums, but there is a lot of new stuff. A lot of that tends to be the result of playing with some new members that like to play different things. I used to call our music "Mutt Rock" because it has so many influences. My favorite new tag line is "Music for ADD" though.

THC: Your new style is sort of reminiscent of 311, and you also included them on your "Thanks" list. How much did they influence your music on this record?

JH: We've known 311 for a long time. When we were putting together our first tape, we played with 311 on their Grassroots tour. We gave them a whole lot of shit for headlining even though they were younger than us. Our personal style might heavily influence that West Coast feel. We like smoking, skating, snowboarding. A lot of people on the East Coast think that we have a West Coast sound, but people on the West Coast think we have an East Coast sound. Our musical vibe is probably somewhere in between.


THC: From what I understand, you broke up with your long time girlfriend Melissa just before starting to record the new album. Are many of the songs about her?

JH: Everyone seems to think that. I had an interview with Rolling Stone that went great, and then when I saw the article is began and ended with Melissa. I mean, a lot of the songs were written way before I dated her. The first verse of "Do Right" was written five years ago when I was dating the bitchiest girl in the world-a superbitch. I spent three and a half years trying to make her happy, and I never could. But the lyrics in the second verse are actually words that Melissa said to me that hurt a whole lot. I the album just breathes of her existence.

THC: What are your suggestions for the guys out there that are currently dating "superbitches"?

JH: Run like hell! There is no recovery-no hope at all! You can never do enough to make them happy.

THC: The other day I was in the Abercrombie and Fitch in Harvard Square, and I heard your new single "Do Right" on the store soundtrack. Would you consider this musical inclusion to be the crowning achievement of the band?

JH: Really? I had no idea! (Laughs). All I know is that my face would never adorn their catalogs or advertisements. That's very comical-you'll never see me playing soccer while beautiful women hang all over me. The song has definitely been promoted to pop radio. We have people listening to us that would never have listened to any of the songs off the first album. There is a radio station in Maryland where we were third most requested on their pop charts, behind Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys.

THC: Well, that begs the question. Do you like girls that wear Abercrombie and Fitch? Would you take 'em if you had one wish?

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