
Crowds Flock to Head Of the Charles Regatta

"It's nice to know that Harvard cares so muchabout our welfare," said Joanna R. White '01, butthe extra security was "kind of unnecessary."

The Harvard University Police Department (HUPD)defended its weekend security measures.

HUPD spokesperson Peggy A. McNamara saidUniversity officials asked for the extra securitybecause there are so many people in the areasurrounding University property during theregatta.

She said it was protocol for there to be extrasecurity for an event of this size, but stressedthat it did not take away from regular HUPDweekend patrol.

"It's a collaborative effort between theHarvard University Administration, HUPD, theCambridge Police, and State police to ensure asafe environment for a sporting event of thismagnitude," she said.


"There's no way to anticipate how the weekendis going to play out--thousands of people go tothe event," McNamara said.

However, McNamara said this weekend was a quietone for HUPD.

"There were no incidents that I had been madeaware of," she said
