
Counter: `Controversial Figure'

Foundation Director Has Vocal Supporters and Critics

Hillel records disclosed two other incidentsthat some students felt raised questions aboutCounter's leadership at the Foundation.

One is a May 1985 panel discussion titled"Cross-Cultural Conference on Black-JewishRelations" that was sponsored by the Foundationand moderated by Counter.

According to Hillel records, several studentswere upset that Counter allowed discussion toviolate grounds rules that he allegedly setbeforehand--that only undergraduates couldparticipate, that prepared statements were notpermitted, and that the "South Africa-Israelissue" was off limits.

Jewish students left the panel angry and upset,Hillel records indicate.

Most members of the panel could not be reachedfor comment. Two panel members declined to commenton the events.


The timing of the Foundation's annual CulturalRhythms festival has also been a source offriction between Hillel and the Foundation. Theevent has almost always been held on Saturdays,when many Hillel members cannot participatebecause of the Sabbath.

Hillel prepared a booth in 1986 and did notstaff it. The organization sent an angry letter tothe Foundation the next year saying that memberswere upset about the scheduling, according toHillel records.

Cultural Rhythms still takes place on Saturdaybut extends late enough into the night that Jewsobserving the Sabbath can participate.

A foundation official says the event wasscheduled for Sunday once but few people attended.Even the present late-afternoon scheduling of theevent is difficult for many students, the officialsays.

Held, the chair of Hillel's coordinatingcouncil, says students are upset by Counter'srecent letter and are concerned about the issue.

"I think it's very clear that a great manystudents were deeply offended and are deeplydisturbed by the letter," he says.

But several students and colleagues deny thatCounter is insensitive to Jewish concerns.

Linda L. Wei '92, former Asian AmericanAssociation president, says counter always treatedHillel like any other student organization.

Wei says she "hasn't seen any indication of[insensitivity to Jewish concerns]" by Counter. "Ithink he's always tried to be inclusive," shesays.

"I haven't seen any unfavorable relations withHillel," says Reid, the student advisory committeeco-chair.
