
Counter: `Controversial Figure'

Foundation Director Has Vocal Supporters and Critics

Fox says Counter was by far the strongestcandidate for the job. "He was an extremelyenergetic worker in the area of racialunderstanding and had already established quite areputation for himself," Fox says.

Epps says that Counter has always beencommitted to the inclusive goals of the Foundationand that he has, on the whole, done a good job inimplementing them.

But some students say Counter's recentletter to The Crimson is only the latest ofseveral incidents which displayed insensitivitytoward Jewish students at the College.

Daniel. J. Libenson '92, the former Hillelleader who called for Counter to resign, saysCounter wrote an article in 1985 which uses "codewords" to describe a "Jewish conspiracy" in themedia.

The six-page article, titled "Racial Slurs,"was printed in the NAACP magazine TheCrisis.


The article condemned widespread use of theword "nigger" in the media and theorized about whyit appears more frequently than other ethnicslurs.

Counter suggested that "para-white ethnicgroups" who influence the media use the word"nigger" to denigrate Blacks and "to convincethemselves and other of their imagined whiteidentity." The article never specifically mentionsJews.

One passage says 'the widespread increase inthe use of 'nigger'...may well be part of a muchlarger ethnic scheme designed to denigrateAfro-Americans and keep them as the focus ofnegative attention for the American majority."

another passage reads, "Significantly, themedia forms through which some conspire to traduceBlacks with racial epithets are not controlled bythe ostensibly racist white groups." The articleblames "Euro-American individuals and specialinterest groups with powerful influence in themedia" for common use of the epithet.

Counter refers to movies such as BlazingSaddles, The godfather, Roots II and SaturdayNight Fever and he says the media may do moredamage to Black society than groups such as the KuKlux Klan.

Libenson says Counter uses "the code words thathave traditionally been for a Jewish conspiracy inthe media: in the article, and other Hillelmembers who have read the article say they arealso troubled.

In an interview earlier this month, countersaid the article never mentions a specific ethnicgroup and decline to comment further on the topic.

In 1982, The Crimson filed a formal complaintwith the University against Counter, chargingreligious discrimination.

Counter had allegedly referred to a Crimsonreporter as a "militant Jew" in a conversationwith another Crimson staff member. According tothe reporter, Adam S. Cohen '84, Counter had nevermet him and knew nothing about him except hisname.

The College created a three-person committee toinvestigate the complaint, and the result of theinquiry is a confidential personnel matter,according to Fox.
