
Undergrads Cast Votes for Gov. Clinton

Students Cite Environment, Abortion Rights as Key Policy Issues in Election

Others said they were uncomfortable with the system where students from different states were involved in a decision-making process for local and state level politicians.

In voting for offices like Middlesex sheriff, New York resident Joe Mejia '93 said he realized "there are necessarily people who are uninformed." Mejia said he considered himself to be the "rule rather than the exception."

Despite the rain, sign-waving campaign volunteers took to the streets to conduct last minute "visibilities."

Lance C. Campbell, a Cambridge resident and state house employee, was the lone campaigner yesterday afternoon near the poll at Larsen Hall at the Graduate School of Education.

Campbell said that even though election activity around his poll was sparse, "It's all students [around here] so they'll vote last-minute."


In the Yard, the only prominent reminder of Election Day was a Holworthy banner advertising an election night party at the Institute of Politics.
