

Safety in Numbers

Dreamer's Diary

Cap: Now, there are nearly 17 million Kodak instant cameras out there and thousands of them are pouring into the Kodak warehouses every day. Kodak isn't sure what to do with them.

Ronnie: Maybe they could give them to the truly needy.

Cap: Without any film? No, what we were thinking of doing is sending them into orbit.

Ronnie: Would that replace our space station?

Cap: No, sir. The idea is that a missile moving six miles per second would destroy itself on impact with one of the Kodak cameras.


Ronnie: Gosh, and we might get a picture out of it too.

Cap: Whenever tensions are running high on the international scene, all we'll have to do is launch a few million of the cameras into the main missile corridors. The Ruskies won't be able to get anything through that mess.

Bush: Wowee!

Ronnie: Shut up, George.
