

Safety in Numbers

Dreamer's Diary

Ronnie: Shut up, George.

Cap: We started looking into these laser-beam things and stuff like that, but the research wasn't very promising. Well, I was having lunch with a few of the guys from the military-industrial complex last week and said, "C'mon, how hard can this thing be? You have a missile travelling six miles per second up there. Anything you throw at it is going to do some damage." Then the idea...

Shultz: Mr. President, excuse me. Would you please tell George to stop hogging the jellybean jar?

Ronnie: Now, George, Mommy and I aren't going to let you come to the state dinner tonight if you don't cut it out.

Bush: But, Mr. President...


Ronnie: Shut up, George.

Cap: Well, this idea came to me the next day while I was reading the newspaper. I saw a story on that Polaroid lawsuit against Kodak...

Ronnie: Doesn't Michael Landon do the Kodak commercials? Mommy and I used to love to watch him in "Little House on the Prairie."

Cap: Er, yes...I think so, sir. The point was that Polaroid sued Kodak for infringing on their instant camera patents. And they won. The judge ruled that Kodak had to get out of the instant camera business altogether.

Ronnie: But, wait, will I still be able to buy film for my camera?

Cap: No, Mr. President, that's the whole problem. Or opportunity, I should say. Kodak isn't allowed to make either the camera or the film anymore.

Ronnie: What am I going to do with my damned camera, then?

Cap: Well, Kodak has worked out a plan so that everyone who owns a camera can send it back for a $50 coupon to buy other Kodak products.

Bush: Gee, isn't that nice.

Ronnie: Shut up, George.
