
Officials Attend Student Appeal To City Election Commissioners

Q. "Do you have a place reserved for you in the home there?"

A. "Yes. I'd like to point out that we have an extremely large house, about 14 rooms."

Q. "To what extent are you self-supporting?"

A. (After some figuring with pad and pencil). "About one-eighth."

At the end of the hearing Samp advised Levine that he would be notified by mail of the Board's decision in his case.


The second hearing involved Allegra Printz, whose earlier attempt to register had failed because all the bills relating to her apartment and thus proving her physical presence in Cambridge are in her roommate's name.

Samp told Printz that all she needs is a notarized statement to that effect from her roommate.

Asked for his comment on the hearings after their conclusion, Businger answered "Ridiculous." He added that he has a bill presently under consideration by the House that would establish a uniform set of questions for potential registrants throughout the state.

Businger said his bill would require the person seeking to register to swear "under the pains and penalties of perjury" that he was actually living at a given residence. This would satisfy all requirements of domicile, according to Businger.

McDaniel said the Attorney General's office would "certainly be interested in his report on the Board's procedures, but declined to speculate on what action, if any, Attorney General Robert H. Quinn might take.

Sullivan told Businger and McDaniel that about 50 students have been rejected by the Board of Elections since June and that in his opinion Levine would also fail to satisfy the election commissioners strict residency requirements.

"It's about time the Cambridge Election Commission stopped discriminating against students and register anyone living in Cambridge," Sullivan said.

Dean Epps reportedly has requested the Board of Elections to schedule registration sessions at Lehman Hall and Harkness Commons between October 8 and 12
