

Leo FJ. Wilking

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Ballot 'Stuffed' As 59 Vie in City Elections

Sometimes it seems as if most people in Cambridge think they should hold public office. There are 59 candidates for

The PR System: Unique and Complex

It is only fitting that in this uniquely heterogeneous city there should be a unique system of voting: Proportional Representation

In Dubious Battle

T HE LONE INCUMBENT not seeking reelection to the City Council in November, Robert P. Moncreiff perhaps typifies the liberal

The CHUL Was Right

T HE MAJORITY opinion editorial on CHUL's refusal to sponsor a student referendum on ROTC voices its abhorrence of that

JFK Library Runs Into Trouble

It's a moral issue. Do you destroy a city to put up a monument for a person who fought for

Local Residents Criticize Kennedy Memorial Library

A suspicious and sometimes hostile audience of about 75 people criticized plans for the Kennedy Memorial Library at a public

Task Force Schedules Meeting To Discuss JFK Library Plans

The Harvard Square Development Task Force has scheduled an open meeting for 8 p.m. tonight at the Martin Luther King

Officials Attend Student Appeal To City Election Commissioners

Under the watchful eyes of several state and city officials, the Cambridge Board of Elections held appeal hearing yesterday for

Local Ecologists Schedule 'Plant-Ins' Around Harvard Square for Sunday

A group of ecology-minded Harvard students and Cambridge residents will begin a series of "plant-ins" around Harvard Square on Sunday.

Owens Challenges Corcoran to Argue For Power Station

The Cambridge City Council last night recorded its opposition to the proposed power transmission station at Alewife Brook Parkway, citing

Saundra Graham Ignores An Adage

There are probably people in the Office of Government and Community Affairs who wish that Saundra Graham would heed the

School Committee Rescinds Dismissals Of Thirteen Tenured Administrators

The Cambridge School Committee voted unanimously last night to rescind letters of dismissal that were sent to 13 administrators in

Worms in the Big Apple

N EW YORK CITY is well known for its long and sensational political history -- Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall,

Crimson Batmen Confront MIT Today

Weather permitting, the Crimson batmen will open their home season today when they face cross-town rival MIT at 3 p.m.

Planning Board Holds Hearing On Proposed Zoning Changes

The Cambridge Planning Board (CPB) held a public hearing last night at City Hall on its own petition to create
