
NOSTALGLA Can You Name The Bobbsey Twins?

43. What color was Peter Rabbit's jacket?

44. What branch of the armed services was Pippi Longstocking's father in?

45. How many were going to St. Ives?

46. In Through the Looking Glass, what was the White Knight's pudding made of?

47. What did Tubby the Tuba want to chase?


48. What was the demise of Stuart Little's boat race in Central Park?

49. What did the Little Mermaid have to give up to get legs?

50. Name the seven dwarfs.

51. What was Misty's home state?

52. What were the names of the parents in Peter Pan?

53. What was Harold's means of transportation?

54. What did Jack give for the magic beans?

55. What was the name of the monkey in the Babar books?

56. What was the first design the child drew in the first chapter of The Little Prince?

57. What was the cause of the Light Princess's regaining of gravity?

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