
NOSTALGLA Can You Name The Bobbsey Twins?

14. "Good night dear girls I hope you sleep well, Good night good night dear Miss......................." (Fill in the blank and name the book.)

15. What was the cartoon on the back page of Boy's Life?

16. What was the name of the policeman who stopped the traffic on Storrow Drive for the ducklings to cross the street in Make Way for Ducklings?

17. What was the color of the magic pencil in The Pink Motel?

18. Meg and Jo went to a ball in Little Women. What horrible act did Jo want Meg to do to signal her (Jo) when she was being gauche?


19. In Good Night Moon, what species of animal was the central family and what animals were depicted in the picture above the bed?

20. In If I Ran the Circus, who ran the store in front of the vacant lot where the circus would be?

21. Who wrote The Phantom Tollbooth?

22. Who kept saying, "I think I can."

23. What was "it" in The Five Children and It?

24. Where could you order most of your childhood classics?

25. What was the name of the towheaded animal in Dr Doolittle?

26. How many coaches did Chip Hilton have during his illustrious career?

27. What was the name of the youngest girl in The Five Little Peppers and How They Grew?

28. What was the name of the bird Stuart Little befriended and what did she save him from?

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