
The Political Make-Up of Harvard

Goldwater Gets Strongest Support Here Among the Social Scientists

15% of Government majors

15% of Arch SCI majors

14% of Social Studies majors

14% of Biochemistry majors

14% of Engineering majors


13% of Fine Arts majors.

13% of Law students

11% of Social Relations majors

9% of English majors

7% of Medical students

7% of Philosophy majors

6% of Math majors

0% of Education students

But the social scientists at Radcliffe were in complete disagreement with their Harvard counterparts. Only 1 of the 16 female economists, only 2 of the 58 historians, and only 1 of the 58 History and Literature majors at the Cliffe filling out ballots were for Goldwater. Among girls, it was mostly the scientists:

15% of Math majors at Radcliffe were for BMG (4 out of 27)

11% of Biochemistry majors (4 out of 38)

6% of English majors (8 out of 126).

No other field gave Goldwater more than two votes. And while Radcliffe as a whole only gave Goldwater 6% of its vote, Cabot Hall gave the conservative 17% of its vote, with 10 girls voting in the largest single bloc for BMG. Although Moore and Holmes gave Goldwater 7 votes apiece, this was not more than the college average percentage. History  69 Government  58 English  38 Economics  35 Biology  31 Math  18 Physics  18 Social Relations  18 History and Literature  14 Biochemistry  13 Medicine (the Med School)  13 Chemistry  10
