

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

8.00.--Final bouts for University wrestling championship, in Hemenway Gymnasium.

Wednesday, April 3.

4.00.--**Soccer game with Cornell at Soldiers Field.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Mechanical Engineering of Electrical Power Plants," I, by Mr. R.J.S. Pigott, mechanical engineer of the New England Engineering Company of New York City, in Pierce 110.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting, in Noble Room of Brooks House. All members of the University invited to attend.


7.00.--Freshman debatng trials in Harvard 6.

8.00.--Annual business meeting of Phillips Brooks House Association in Parlor of Brooks House.

9.00.--Reading of "Kipling," by Professor Copeland in Living Room of Union.

Thursday, April 4.

Last day for receiving drawings in Architectural competition.

8.00-4.00.--Election of Union officers for 1912-1913.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Mechanical Engineering of the Electric Power Plants," II, by Mr. R.J.S. Pigott, in Pierce 110.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club tea. Address by Professor Barrett Wendell.

4.45.--**Harvard Zoological Club. "Localization of Form-Determining Factors in Regeneration," by Professor H.W. Rand, in Zoological Lecture Room, fourth floor, Room 4, of the University Museum.

5.00.--*Sixth lecture on Political Geography of Europe, by Professor R.M. Johnston, in Emerson A.
