

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, March 31.

11.00.--**Rev. A. P. Fitch in Appleton Chapel.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Massachusetts System of Medico-Legal Inquiry," by Dr. George Burgess Magrath at Medical School, Longwood avenue, Boston.

4.00-6.00.--*President and Mrs. Lowell at home to students.


7.00.--*Regular monthly meeting of Christian Association, in Parlor of Brooks House. Address on "Prayer" by Rev. A. P. Fitch '00.

Monday, April 1.

Last day for receiving applications of candidates for Second-Year Honors.

Last day for handing in compositions for the Francis Boott prize.

Last day for receiving theses of candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in 1912 in the Divisions of Ancient Languages, of Modern Languages, and of History, Government and Economics.

Last day for receiving Advocate prize essays.

Last day for receiving Bowdoin prize essays.

First day of interclass rowing.

3.00.--Spring football practice on Soldiers Field.

4.00.--Faculty of Divinity. Meeting at the Faculty Room, Divinity Library.

4.00.--Freshman championship fencing tournament in Fencing Room of Hemenway Gymnasium.

4.30.--Seminary in Economics. Lecture on "Japanese Farmers and Farm Lands in California," by Mr. Yamato Ichihashi, in Upper Dane.

4.30.--*Preliminary wrestling bouts for University championship, in Wrestling Room of Hemenway Gymnasium.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. Lecture on "The Thermal Properties of Water up to 80 Degrees and 12,000 kgm. per sq. cm., by Dr. Bridgman, in Room 25 of Jefferson Physical Laboratory.

5.00.--Candidates for manager of Freshman debating teams report at Thayer 33.

7.00.--Mission study classes for Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores, at Brooks House.

7.00.--Freshman Bible Class meets at 29 Follen street.

7.15.--Meeting of University and Freshman track candidates in Lower Massachusetts.

7.30.--Opera dinner in Union.

8.00.--Engineering Society lecture. "The Chemistry of Cement," by Mr. P.S. Cushing in Pierce 202.

Tuesday, April 2.

Last day for receiving applications for unengaged college rooms for 1912-1913 at Bursar's office.

4.00.--Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Meeting at University 5.

5.00.--*Last Personal Religion lecture. "The Power of the Passion," by Rev. T.S. Cline at Chapel of Episcopal Theological School, Brattle street.

6.00.--Last opportunity for candidates for Freshman debating teams to send names to Thayer 33.

8.00.--Final bouts for University wrestling championship, in Hemenway Gymnasium.

Wednesday, April 3.

4.00.--**Soccer game with Cornell at Soldiers Field.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Mechanical Engineering of Electrical Power Plants," I, by Mr. R.J.S. Pigott, mechanical engineer of the New England Engineering Company of New York City, in Pierce 110.

7.00.--*St. Paul's Society weekly meeting, in Noble Room of Brooks House. All members of the University invited to attend.

7.00.--Freshman debatng trials in Harvard 6.

8.00.--Annual business meeting of Phillips Brooks House Association in Parlor of Brooks House.

9.00.--Reading of "Kipling," by Professor Copeland in Living Room of Union.

Thursday, April 4.

Last day for receiving drawings in Architectural competition.

8.00-4.00.--Election of Union officers for 1912-1913.

4.00.--**Lecture. "The Mechanical Engineering of the Electric Power Plants," II, by Mr. R.J.S. Pigott, in Pierce 110.

4.30.--Cosmopolitan Club tea. Address by Professor Barrett Wendell.

4.45.--**Harvard Zoological Club. "Localization of Form-Determining Factors in Regeneration," by Professor H.W. Rand, in Zoological Lecture Room, fourth floor, Room 4, of the University Museum.

5.00.--*Sixth lecture on Political Geography of Europe, by Professor R.M. Johnston, in Emerson A.

5.00.--**Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary. Brief address by President A. P. Fitch, in Andover Chapel.

5.30.--First competition for E.N. Cleaves 1M., challenge cup for gymnastic excellence, in Hemenway Gymnasium.

8.00.--*Educational Conference. Address on "The Psychology of Vocational Guidance," by Professor Muensterberg, in Common Room, Conant Hall.

8.15.--Lecture. "Law as a Profession," by Dean Ezra R. Thayer, in Living Room of Union.

Friday, April 5.

11.00.--**Good Friday service in Appleton Chapel. Brief address by Professor Edward C. Moore.

7.00.--Annual dinner of Western Club at clubhouse.

7.00.--Meeting of Indiana Club in Trophy Room of Union.

8.00.--*Harvard Philosophical Club. Address on "Individualism and Superman," by Professor Warner Fite, in Emerson D.

8.00.--Northfield Social Meeting in Parlor of Brooks House.

Saturday, April 6.

9.00-11.00--**Lecture. "Religious Education," by Dr. G. A. Coe, at Divinity Hall Library.

3.00.--**Soccer game with Pennsylvania at Philadelphia.
