

Program of Academic Duties for Remainder of Week Fully Explained.

Candidates for the Degrees of A.M. and S.M., whose programs of study have not been approved, should each consult, on Thursday forenoon, the representative of the Division or Department in which his degree is to be taken. See Directory of Instructors.

The Freshman class (except dropped men) will assemble tomorrow at 9 A. M., in Sever Hall, Room No. 11, to meet the Assistant Dean of Harvard College, and the Secretary of the Committee on the Choice of Electives. Immediately after this meeting they are required to meet their Advisers.

Registration of Students.

All students must register in the rooms indicated below, tomorrow from 9 to 1 o'clock:

College Seniors, Emerson D.


College Juniors, Harvard 5.

College Sophomores, Harvard 6.

College Freshmen, A to L inclusive, Upper Mass.; M to Z inclusive, Lower Mass.

College Special Students, Sever 8.

College Unclassified Students, Harvard 1.

Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University Hall, north entry, 3d floor, room 24.

Students in the Graduate School of Applied Science, University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 16.

Students in the Graduate School of Business Administration, University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 17.

Every student must obtain from the officer in charge of registration the card called "List of Studies," which must be properly filled out and handed in by students in Harvard College and by Graduate students as directed below.

Friday, September 30. List of Studies.
