

Program of Academic Duties for Remainder of Week Fully Explained.

Latin, Professor A. A. Howard, Sever 16.

Mathematics, Professor W. E. Byerly, Sever 20.

Medical School, Professor L. J. Henderson, Boylston.

Mineralogy and Petrography, Professor C. P. Palache, Univ. Mus. 9.

Mining and Metallurgy, Professor C. H. White, Rotch.


Music, Professor W. R. Spalding, Holden.

Philosophy, Professor R. B. Perry, Emerson B.

Physics, Professor T. Lyman, Jefferson Phys. Lab. 15.

Public Speaking, Professor I. L. Winter, Upper Mass.

Semitic, Professor D. G. Lyon, Semitic Museum.

Social Ethics, Dr. R. M. McConnell, Emerson L.

Zoology, Professor G. H. Parker, Zool. Mus. 45.

Students in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences should consult the Dean, Professor C. H. Haskins, or the Secretary, Mr. G. W. Robinson, University Hall, north entry, 3d floor, room 24, from 9 to 1 o'clock.

Students in the Graduate School of Applied Science should consult the Dean, Professor W. C. Sabine, University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 16, from 9 to 1 o'clock.

Students in the Graduate School of Business Administration should consult the Dean, Professor E. F. Gay, University Hall, north entry, 1st floor, room 17, from 9 to 1 o'clock.
