

THE annual dinner of the New York Harvard Club takes place February 10th at Delmonico's. The price of the tickets will be six dollars.

THE annual reunion of the association of the Delta Kappa Epsilon took place Tuesday evening at Parker's. Colonel Clark spoke for Harvard.

THOSE wishing to attend prayers at St. John's instead of at College Chapel during Lent may do so by petitioning to that effect. Service begins at 8 P.M.

THE correspondent of the Columbia Spectator says, in the issue of January 27, that a heavy snow-storm has precluded all possibility of out-door exercise here at present.

THE new cars of the Union Railway are forty in number, - twenty close and twenty open. They are finished in the Queen Anne style, and upholstered with velvet plush.


SNODKINS, at the theatre the other night, was much excited by a cry of "Down ! down in front !" because he thought it was meant for a personal reference to his mustache.

MESSRS. ROOSEVELT, '80, Mac Veagh, '81, Manning, '82, and Winthrop, '83, have consented to take charge of the polls and count the votes at the informal ballot for President.

THOSE members of the Law School who voted at the canvass taken recently by the Law School are expected not to vote again, as the result of that ballot will be taken into account.
