

THE Corporation, not wishing to seem piratical, would not allow us to "walk the plank."

QUESTION on the examination paper in English I: "When, and how old did he (Chaucer) die?"

PRESIDENT Eliot has been elected president of the Old South Association for the ensuing year.

THE necessary annual expenses of a student at Yale are estimated at from $350 to $560 a year.

THREE watches were stolen from the Gymnasium Tuesday night, while their owners were exercising.


DR. BELLOWS was defeated at the last meeting of the Board of Overseers by a vote of thirteen to eight.

A NEW fire-alarm box has been placed at the junction of Cambridge and Kirkland Streets, numbered 56.

PROF. CHARLES S. SARGENT is making a tour of observation through the forests of the Southern States.

THE Freshmen hope to have their race with Columbia at New London on the same day as the University race.

IT showed a sense of the fitness of things in the Freshman to ask for a "box-stall" at the Globe the other night.

THE Oxford-Cambridge race will be rowed on the 20th of March, at 7.30 A.M. There has not been so early a start since 1866.

THE season has been a fine one for work at the Observatory, as the room where the large telescope is can never be heated.

THE fire-alarm box No. 54 has been removed from the corner of Sumner and Cambridge Streets and placed on Memorial Hall.

COPIES of No. 1 of the present volume of the Crimson have been obtained, and subscribers can have them by calling at Sever's.

THE seventh reunion of the association of the Sons of Brown University in Boston and vicinity will be held at Young's Hotel this evening.
