

A Dawning.

29 Seniors have elected Greek.

3 Seniors have elected Mathematics.

87 Seniors have elected Modern Languages.

76 Seniors have elected Philosophy.

33 Seniors have elected Political Economy.


82 Seniors have elected History.

3 Seniors have elected Music.

33 Seniors have elected Fine Arts 2.

84 Seniors have elected Natural History.

In Philosophy, 34 have taken Phil. 4; Hist. 6 has been chosen by 38, and Hist. 7 by 40. Nine men have taken the new course in Physiological Psychology. This course conflicts with Hist. 6, and many men have therefore been unable to take it. A change ought to be made, if only for fair play.

13 Juniors have elected English.

68 Juniors have elected Latin.

51 Juniors have elected Greek.

17 Juniors have elected Mathematics.

114 Juniors have elected Modern Languages.

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