

A Dawning.

HARVARD-YALE Freshman base-ball match to-morrow, Saturday, on Jarvis, at 3 o'clock.

SAMPLES of the new color of the Boat-Club can be seen at Wyeth's, or at Green's in Boston.

PRESIDENT ELIOT will sail for Europe soon after Commencement, to be gone nine months.

THE subscriptions to the Class Fund amount to about $5,000, while the College Fund has only $3,000.

THE interest which the members of the Faculty have shown in athletics since the issue of "those tickets" is surprising.


ON Saturday, June 24, Trinity will make a final effort to appear. If they succeed, the game will be played on Jarvis at 3 P. M.

THE regular annual meeting of the Reading-Room Association will take place in Massachusetts Lower Hall on Tuesday, June 20, at 5 P. M. The object of the meeting is to elect officers for next year, and to transact other important business. A full attendance is desired.

THE Class Secretary will be at W. 41 to receive subscriptions to the Funds, and payment of the first instalment of 20 per cent of the Class Fund subscription, on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, from 8 to 10 A. M.

Sophomore Themes can be obtained at the same time.

ALL books must be returned to the College Library by the 21st of June. The desk of the Library, which was formerly in the small room, has been moved into the main room. Two large bookcases occupy the east end, and the relics have been packed away.

LAST week the Nine played three matches with Brown, Princeton, and the Fall Rivers, winning by scores of 10 to 1, 8 to 4, and 6 to 3. On Monday last the Lafayette Nine paid us a visit, but the game which was to have been played was prevented by rain. The game will probably come off at Easton, June 29.

To-day the Nine plays with the Bostons, and to-morrow with the Tauntons, at Taunton. On Tuesday the second game with Amherst takes place on Jarvis Field at 3 P. M.

NOTMAN, the photographer, has sent around to each Senior the following notice:-

Dear Sir, - As intimated in my postal of May 25, I will have your photographs at my studio, Frisbie Place, on Thursday, June 15; and will be ready for delivery at 9 A. M. of the same day. You are respectfully requested to call for them early, so that I will not be delayed. As far as possible I will carry out the rule, "First come, first served."

Yours, etc.,

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