

Katrina ALICIA Garcia

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Panelists Criticize NATO Actions in Kosovo

Last night, for the second time in two days, panelists at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) discussed the international

Expos Study Tracks College Writing Careers

Imagine a world in which Expos never ended. For many undergraduates, the idea is akin to the seventh circle of

New Web Site Will Offer Visitors Virtual Harvard Campus Tour

The crowds of tourists around John Harvard's statute may thin soon, when the Harvard News Office launches a virtual campus

The Thesis Debate

Trisha L. Manoni '99, an English concentrator, wasn't terribly excited at the prospect of spending her senior year writing a

Yale Prof. Charged With Sex. Assault

Yale University Professor and former master of Saybrook College Antonio C. Lasaga was arraigned yesterday on two charges of first-degree

No Leads in New Haven Murder

A month after Yale senior Suzanne N. Jovin was found stabbed to death, police have stepped up the search for

Service Honors Slain Yale Student

One week after Yale senior Suzanne N. Jovin was murdered, her friends at Yale and around the world are gathering

Human Rights Discussion

Exactly 50 years after the United Nations adopted its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a panel of experts on health

New Representatives Attend KSG Conference

Newly elected members of the 106th Congress are at the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) this weekend for a crash


Literature and Arts B-10: "Art and Visual Culture: Introduction to the Historical Study of Art and Architecture," is a popular


Harvard-Radcliffe Hillel elected its leadership for the coming year at yesterday's monthly meeting. Approximately 80 people gathered to hear the

Three First-Years Hit Jackpot in 'Net Contest

Last night, first-years Alok Bhushan, Kendrick N. Kay and Eleanor E. Williams won first prize and $15,000 each in the

History Department Contemplates Replacing Introductory Sequence

The Western history survey course currently required of all concentrators may soon be replaced by a class that would emphasize

Students Aspire to Careers In Business, Computer Science

Not everyone wants to be a doctor anymore. While it seems as if the majority of first-years have medical school

Knowles Convenes New IT Panel

Responding to the University's increasing dependence on information technology, a new standing committee on information technology met for the first
