

Michele F. Forman

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Dining Workers Cite Complaints

Harvard Dining Services (HDS) workers and students have compiled a list of grievances to accompany a petition intended for HDS

The FIRST Year for the First-YEAR Dean

Acting First-Year Dean Ginger Mackay-Smith doesn't know what she'll be doing next year. But as far as this year is

Last Year for a First-Year Dean

As Henry C. Moses prepares to leave Harvard after 14 years, the man who pledged he wouldn't be a "nine-to-five

Div. of Continuing Ed. Will Move This Summer

Dust, cinder blocks and cranes block the sidewalk and create detours for pedestrians passing by 51 Brattle St., the new

City May Raise Liquor Fees

After months of discussion between city officials and local vendors, Cambridge appears on the verge of approving an increase in

Area Bars May Face New Crowd Restrictions

Beer guzzlers and wine sippers were pressed to the railings of Shay's Wine Bar Cafe and other local hangouts last

Can Squirrels Survive The Harvard--Smithsonian Observatory Plan?

In Arizona, there is a pristine peak called Mt. Graham that many astronomers, including some at Harvard, think would make
