

Thomas C. Horne

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The Jazz Dance Workshop

What more could one ask for: well-built girls in revealing costumes, talented dancers of both ballet and modern, imaginatively choreographed

HRO, HGC, and Radcliffe Choral Society

The Glee Clubs and the HRO seem to be good for each other. At least, when they combined for Haydn's

The Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

The HRO showed off two supreme musicians Friday night: flutist Karen Monson '66, and pianist Ursula Oppens '65. They are

Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra

The HRO got off to a slow start Friday night, but it was worth the wait. Their closing performance of

New York Theatre I:

Anyone with even a superficial knowledge of existentialism and Marxism can sense a basic incompatibility between the two dogmas. Jean-Paul

Vietnam: A More Realistic View

At the time of the CRIMSON editorial last October, the United States was bombing North Vietnam. While supporting the administration,

Harvard Review

Despite what you may have heard from your friends at the Law School, law can be interesting--especially if it is

HRO, HGC, and Radcliffe Choral Society

The excitement of an event is magnified if it is preceded by boredom. Thus, the excitement of the best moments

Lowell Davidson Trio

By last Thursday night, Lowell Davidson had already gone full circle in his style. Before playing with Ornette Coleman in

Slow Dance on the Killing Ground

William Hanley's Slow Dance on the Killing Ground is kind of a New York version of Sartre's No Exit. Three

Those Intruding Grades... ...Serve A Function

There is unanimous agreement that the Government Department should not unilaterally abolish tutorial grades, and thereby penalizes Gov majors. The

A Congressman on Congressional Reform

Congressional procedural reform can be argued from an abstract point of view: a favored set of procedures is more "democratic",

The Decline of Jazz

If there is any sure sign of the decline of American civilization, it is its musical taste. While radio stations

Unsigned Letters Urge University Ban on 'Ubu Roi'

No official action will be taken against the Quincy House production of Ubu Roi, scheduled for May 6-9, despite two

Jazz Dance Workshop

Anyone who saw the Jazz Dance Workshop at the Quincy House Jazz concert will be stunned at how much the
