

Mary LOUISE Kelly

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Seniors Look Back on Their Four Years

Mary Louise Kelly '93 was senior editor of the Crimson in 1992. They say if God had been a Harvard

A Day in the Life of Thesis Hell

"E ver seen a Nike ad? Just do it," a friend of mine's dad told him the other day. Obviously

Clinton Joins Galas

WASHINGTON--"Work hard, play hard" might have been Bill Clinton's motto last night, as he blew off presidential steam by partying

Throngs Cheer New President; 250,000 Flock to Washington

WASHINGTON--Clinton friends and fans turned out in droves on the Mall yesterday, waving flags, sporting inaugural pins and t-shirts and

The News Of the Weird

Nixon for President, Again? WASHINGTON--For Nixon-haters, it was the moment they'd been dreading for 18 years. For fans of the

Stair-Crossed Lovers

L ITTLE DID I KNOW when I was assigned to the fourth floor of Eliot House that my love life

Smoothing Relations

Last Monday, the city and its five universities and colleges released their report on town-gown relations. The groundbreaking document calls

Task Force Urges Closer Ties Between City, Schools

A town-gown task force created to bring the municipal government together with Cambridge's five universities and colleges issued its final

Dinner at Mather: Eight Dollar Bargain?

If a friend visiting from out of town were to ask you where to grab a quick bite in the

Twelve Hopefuls, Six Spots: Open Season for School Committee Seats

A s municipal elections go, school committee races tend to take a second seat to higher profile City Hall races--fewer

Kerrey Campaign Trail Makes Stop at Harvard

The newly-formed Harvard Students for Kerrey began actively seeking members this week to drum up support for Democratic presidential hopeful

School Choice:

Although participating in Weld's plan could prove lucrative, Cambridge is sitting it out for the moment, for fear of endangering

In New Hampshire, No Stumping, Just Stuffing

Concord, N.H.--With less than nine months remaining before the New Hampshire primary and only one official residential candidate, state political

As Economy Worsens, Proposition 2 1/2 Draws Criticism

When the controversial tax law Proposition 2 1/2 went into effect almost 10 years ago, many Massachusetts voters celebrated what

Patriot No Help to Raytheon Sales

Since their dramatic success in shooting down Iraqi SCUDs during the Gulf war, Patriot missiles have become a household word
