

Ben W. Heineman jr.

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Wilson vs. Heath

Presidential politics today rule supreme in Britain. As local politicians scurry about in the three weeks of official campaigning which

The University in the McCarthy Era

To most present undergraduates the McCarthy era meant long afternoons at home after school spent in rapt if uncomprehending attention

The University in the McCarthy Era

To most members of the class of 1965, the McCarthy era meant long afternoons at home after school spent in

Bundy Defends Johnson's Policies In Two-Hour Debate With Critics

A relaxed and confident McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, yesterday confronted some of his


The Yearbook, at long last, has been weaned. In past years, the people at 52 Dunster Street clung as compulsively

Revising Thoughts on the Irreversible

To most people, Reconstruction is a tragedy in four sorrowful acts. Abraham Lincoln, gentle and compassionate, sought ways to ease

No Hard Feelings

Tradition has it that each year the fellows at the Pud come together in inebriated and androgynous, bliss to put

007, Again

Gadgetry not guile or guts makes Goldfinger palatable. If that sentence is gimmicky, it is only an appropriate way to

The Fall Advocate

A change in format has brought no change in the Advocate's quality; underneath a handsome mustard cover boasting a Durer

The Johnson Cabinet

As the campaign wheezed to a close, men in Washington began to speculate earlier than usual about the composition of

End of the Road for the Chuckwagon?

Illinois, stereotyped by many as the buckle on the corn belt, in reality boasts an ethnic, economic, and political diversity


Hubert Humphrey, the most modern of the four major candidates in his understanding of contemporary society, is the oldest in

Faculty Politics and the Doty Committee: Consensus or Debate?

On a Tuesday late in October, a number of prominent men will gather in a high-ceilinged chamber, lit with chandeliers

The Winter's Tale

From the dangers of courtly dalliance to the simplicities of the pastoral life, from consuming jealousy to pristine love, from

Summer Players Offer Light, Witty Production of Love's Labour's Lost

Would-be summer wonks had better skip the Loeb production of "Love's Labour's Lost." Otherwise, like Ferdinand of Navarre, they might
