

Michael W. Schwartz

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Harvard Politics: The Careless Young Men

The once "careful generation" has progressed to carelessness during the past few years. While "the careful young men" (as the

The Collapse of a Vision

Liberals, who relaxed during the eight Eisenhower Years in the unaccustomed role of critics, regard that era as a kind


Messrs. Morey and Paul have taken considerable liberties with Moses' brief account of the rise and fall of the tower

Action Francaise

In the years following France's fall to Germany in 1940, many of her most distinguished intellectuals, living in exile, tried

Holmes Club Lawyers Win '63 Ames Contest; U.S. Judges Preside

A panel of three federal judges, chaired by Justice Byron R. White of the Supreme Court, last night decided in

Civil Rights, Peace Group Leaders Discuss Implications of Movements

The possibility that the campaign to secure civil rights for Negroes has revolutionary implications was raised last night in a

She Stoops To Conquer

Comic drama in Goldsmith's time resembled in some respects the American theatre today: it was awful, it was in the

Babe Receives Anderson Award; Loeb to Stage 'Pageant' in Spring

A four-act play by Thomas J. Babe, Jr. '63 will be presented during the spring term as the first Phyllis

Silk Stockings

Before the last elections, everyone was saying Ted Kennedy could spend the campaign in Miami and still win. Who knows?

The Jazz-flubber

Anticipating a torrent of corrections from local jazz buffs, I would like to apologize here and now for consistently misspelling

Gary Berger's Band and Liz Filo

Two nights a week, the solemn chess-players in the Quincy House Junior Common Room have to decamp to make room

Death of a Salesman

When Richard Nixon assaulted the reporters last week, his cries brought down around him the walls he had been building

Too Bad

If it were shorter, I'd be gladder.

The Myth of the Old South

One of the most fascinating--and elusive--kinds of history is the interpretation of national or sectional myth; the attempt to describe

Defense of Reading

In Defense of Reading, edited by Reuben A. Brower and Richard Poirier. Dutton, 311 pp., $5.95. In Defense of Reading
