

Jean-christophe Castelli

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Moore Slaps and Tickles in First Stories

T HE FRONTISPIECE of Self Help is adorned with, among other bizarre items, a quote from Sex Lives of Animals

Not for Cuddling

D ISNEY IS NOT a paradigm of cool. Not that nature movies generally are, but most viewers will without a

Hollow Spirits

"Y OU SEE, man is not just a physical being. He is also a spiritual being, nay, more, a mystical,

Meaningless Relationship

"A IN'T NO DOUBT about it," some might prognosticate gloomily, shaking their Maine hunting caps. "OI' Burt Reynolds sure become

Western Redux

B ARBAROSA FRED SCHEPISES NEW FILM, is a wonderfully subtle and sly exploration of the two basic elements that have

The Horror, The Horror

I T COULD HAVE been a fascinating combination of sleazy artistry. George A. Romero (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn

Holy Roman Angst

F RESH OUT OF the University of Padda, Pippin faces the same problem many liberal arts graduates face every year:

King of The Jungle

" W HEN YOU SHOOT in elephant, he sometimes stays 10 days on his feet before topping over," a character

Not Exactly Vintage

L YING IN A STRANGE woman's bed and clutching at the loose ends of his emerging consciousness, Peter O'Toole looks

Panel Discusses El Salvador Condemns American Response

"The United States is doing very little to encourage a political settlement in El Salvador," Rep. James Shannon (D-Mass,) said

Midterm Question is Nullified; B-School Faculty Cite Error

Business School professors this week invalidated the first question on a November 20 midterm taken by the entire first-year class,

Morland on the Bomb

Nuclear proliferation is "the one crisis that overshadows everything," Howard Morland, a journalist and anti-nuclear activist, said yesterday. Morland advocated

CES to Sponsor Conference On Automotive Industries

The Center for European Studies will sponsor a four-day conference about the economic crises of the declining automotive industries in

Rooney Speech

Saying that he was nervous about speaking at a college that "I couldn't have gotten into," author, columnist, and television
