

Leigh S. Salsberg

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Native Americans Are Honored With Plaque

Caleb Cheeshahteaumuck, Joel Iacoomes, John Wampus and Eleazer and Benjamin Larnell are hardly household names. But a plaque to commemorate

Fraternity Banned From 'Miracle Jam'

Last Friday, four a cappella groups and a comedy team performed in the Miracle Jam, a benefit to raise funds

Crimson & Brown Helps Minorities With Recruiting

Starting this week, hundreds of unusually well-groomed, nervous seniors are meeting "the real world" for the first time. With more

Loss of Affordable Housing Plagues City

In a dramatic 8-1 vote yesterday, Cambridge City Council endorsed last-minute mediation to discourage landlords from raising rent for tenants

Anonymous Donor Endows I.M. Hockey

Thanks to a substantial gift, hockey has become Harvard's first endowed Intramural program. An Harvard alumnus who "just looks back

Core Review Seeks Students' Opinions

Calling Harvard's current curriculum review "a student issue if there ever was one," the chair of the Committee to Review

Elderly Keep Busy at Senior Center

Through the Push-N-Go doors of the three-week-old Cambridge Senior Citizens Center, a welcoming atmosphere, dozens of activities and countless social

O.J. Attorney To Speak

In his first public appearance since the O.J. Simpson trial, prosecutor Christopher Darden will speak in Sanders Theatre on November

New Volunteers Save Safety Walk

A last-minute surge of SafetyWalk student volunteers has headed off the expected demise of Harvard's student-run night-time walking escort service.

Safety Walk May Cease Operation

Harvard's student-run Safety Walk program may be discontinued next week because of insufficient funding and a dearth of volunteers, its

Schools Mull Impact of Admit Switch

Decisions by Princeton, Stanford and Yale earlier this year to adopt binding early-admission policies will leave college applicants with tougher

Library Will Be Named For Mayr

The Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) Library will be renamed today as the Ernst Mayr Library of Comparative Zoology. The
