

J. G. P.

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Heavies Outrow Princeton In Easy Three-Length Win

The boat that Harvard heavyweight crew coach Harry Parker sent to the starting line Saturday was not nearly the same

M. I. T. and Princeton Race Against Heavies

Harvard's heavyweight crew, still somewhat of an unknown force in the EARC this spring, will receive its first major test

Harvard Accepts Bid To Area Hoop Tourney

Eager for a chance to display its "newlook" varsity basketball squad locally next winter. Harvard has consented to enter a

Harvard Retains Hep Title In Final Relay

When it came down to the final card, and Army's surging track team seemed to hold an unbeatable hand. Harvard

Racquetmen Host Middies; Battle of the Undefeateds?

The Naval Academy has never really been known for making things easy on its midshipmen. Last September, after the majority


"Wild Geese Calling" is Hollywood's version of Stewart Edward White's version of the Northland's version of California's Okic, without Steinbeck

The Bookshelf

For a large number of disconcerted readers who are mystified by some of the modern excursions into versification, Robert Hillyer's


I N 1916 when President Wilson nominated Mr. Justice Brandeis to fill a vacancy on the Supreme Court bench, the


W HEREVER the Common Law is administered by the Courts, there are few who do not respect and admire Mr.
