

J. G. Willis.

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Cheering Notice.

Every man who can should be in the Square at 12.25 and at 2 to cheer the nine and the

Track Team Notice.

The following men report as usual to the training table for breakfast this morning: Willis, Schick, Haigh, Lightner, Rust, Boynton,

Track Notice

No work today. The following men go to the Locker Building to be rubbed some time today, and report at

Track Team Notice.

All candidates report to Mr. Graham as usual today. Hereafter the work will be done in the afternoon as much

Track Team Notice.

The following men report at the training table at the Union at 1 p.m. today: Bird, Ives, Schick, Lightner, Fry,

Track Team Notice.

Regular daily work for all candidates for the track team will be resumed today. Squads will meet in the Gymnasium

Track Team Notice.

Regular daily work for all candidates for the track team will be resumed on Monday. Squads will meet in the

Track Team Notice.

For the next few weeks there will be no regular work for the track team candidates. The men are urged

Track Team Notice.

Owing to the fact that the Gymnasium will be closed this afternoon, there will be no afternoon squads. Candidates are

Running Track Notice.

It has been found necessary to post signs about the Hockey Rink to keep the spectators of the hockey practice

Track Team Notice.

Regular daily gymnasium work for all track team candidates will begin today. There will be four squads at the following

Track Team Notice.

Regular daily gymnasium work for all track team candidates will begin next Monday.

Cross Country Runs.

Arrangements are being made for a dual cross country run between Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to be

Track Team Notice.

The number of Freshmen who have reported for the track team is much smaller than usual. All men who are

Track Team Notice.

Training for the University and Freshman fall games, to be held some time during the last week in October or
