

Adam S. Cohen

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Cook Claims Race Bias in Investigation

A Black cook in the Freshman Union said yesterday that he will file a complaint with the National Labor Relations

Ig Nobels Awarded In Zany Ceremony

Plastic tape and duct tape festooned Sanders Theatre last night for "The Eighth, First Annual Ig Nobel Prize Ceremony," as

Bush Reflects on Successes, Failures of White House Years

The 41st president of the United States, George H.W. Bush, reminisced last Thursday about what he considered the biggest successes

Women's Work Often Unrewarded

Labor economist and Professor at the School of Education at Stanford University Myra H. Strober spoke yesterday at the Radcliffe

Pete Wilson Advocates Education Reform for California

Governor of California Pete Wilson told a capacity crowd at the ARCO Forum last night that unless the state legislature

An Open Letter to the House Masters

This letter is addressed specifically to all those house masters and superintendents who have perceived a problem with the door-dropping

Too close for comfort

"T he question is," Gary says, looking back after three years, "were we strange when we came in, or did

Bok Sharply Criticizes Divestiture Endowment

President Bok yesterday issued a strong statement against the Endowment for Divestiture, an alternative to the senior Class Gift established

God Save the Patient

T HE CYNICAL and streetwise crew in the Bronx district attorney's office have isolated a new cause of death that

Savaging Americana

W HO'S afraid of Virginia Woolf' Mainly anyone who's eaten in Dunster House lately mid the unique set of props

No Discipline

T HE LORDS OF DISCIPLINE has the style and substance of a good beer commercial. Not the ditzy variety that

A Fight From Weakness

T HE SUPREME COURT'S 8-1 decision Monday to overturn a Massachusetts law allowing churches to veto liquor licenses within a

Student Leaders Ask Fox For Race Counseling Plan

Four student leaders met yesterday with Dean of the College John B Fox '59 and several other administrators to argue

Filthy Rich

M ARX WAS WRONG-gossip, not religion, is the opiate of the masses. As more and more Americans lose their jobs,

Students Lobby Faculty on Gay Rights

Members of the Gay and Lesbian Students Association (GI SA) are quietly working this term to garner Faculty and administration
