

Ruth C. Streeter

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Bogeys in the Closet

M EET CONRAD JARRETT, ordinary American High School kid with A grades and a varsity letter. He's a shy, quiet

A Democratic Party

"Being chairman of the Democratic Party is a little like making love to a gorilla," says Robert S. Strauss. "You

Democratic Leaders Foresee Peaceful Midterm Conference

KANSAS CITY, Mo.--Democratic Congressional leadership foresaw yesterday a peaceful Democratic midterm conference in Kansas City, marked more by compromise than


N OEL COWARD IS a master of the one-liner, scoring them so quickly and skillfully that the uproarious chaos never

Flying A One-Engine Malaprop

T HE RIVALS is like an extended television sitcom set back in the late eighteenth century. It has the same

Graphic Stimulation: Driving Her Wild

S EX HAS ALWAYS been one of the best things life has to offer. So it's no wonder that businessmen
