

David S. Hilzenrath

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By Reason of Inanity

T HE NEW YORK TIMES reports that President Reagan was "flustered" by the findings of the Tower Commission. That should

Bennett: Harvard Epitomizes Failures in Higher Education

Secretary of Education William J. Bennett says Harvard exemplifies a failure of universities nationwide to meet their obligations to students,

Inevitably Entangled

O N THE OCCASION of Harvard's 300th anniversary Walter Lippmann '09 warned of increasing entanglements between universities and government. Lippmann


Nadav Safran was not the only casualty of the revelations about his use of CIA money at Harvard. Concerned that

Fairness and Openess

P RESIDENT DEREK C. BOK has revealed his extensive involvement in the offensive and patronizing letter sent to all alumni

Shcharansky Calls on Students, Profs To Press Divestment Against USSR

In a recorded message addressed to the Harvard community, freed Soviet dissident Anatoly Shcharansky this week called on students and

Lessons From Libya

T HE RATIONALE was a familiar one. As the contingent of U.S. bombers, minus one, screamed homeward from Libya, the

A Badge of Courage

E D MEESE DESERVES the Kennedy School award. None of the other distinguished recipients deserves it more. Of course, that

Harvard Press Was Told Of Book's CIA Backing

The director of the Harvard University Press, which published a book by Nadav Safran without mention of its CIA sponsorship,

Debate on The Great Debates

A S THE NATIONAL DEBATE surrounding the Great Debates intensifies, the most debatable issue of all has gone virtually uncontested.

Ober Priced

O ld traditions die hard. That's probably the only way to explain why the Locke-Ober Cafe, one of Boston's oldest,

"How Noble in Reason"

T O BE OR NOT TO BE political; that was the question that dominated discussion for more than a half

Committee Now Favoring Faculty CUE Guide Role

In an abrupt reversal, members of the student-faculty committee studying the controversial CUE Guide yesterday voiced support for continued faculty

CUE Quandry

T HE SORDID SAGA of the CUE Guide turned another page last month, but a happy ending may be at

Expos Head Calls for Much Stiffer Standards for Evaluating Papers

Concerned that student writing suffers from neglect outside Expository Writing classes, Expos Director Richard C. Marius is offering professors and
