

George T. Hill

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Off-Campus Undergraduates Find Community Through Dudley House

Nobody actually lives in Dudley House, but about 70 undergraduates have some right to call it home. About 33 students

Flashback to 1971-'72

June 29, 1971 Radcliffe approves a deal that more closely links it with Harvard. The two will share fundraising and

A Takeover for African Liberation

When two dozen student protesters seized Massachusetts Hall at dawn on April 20, 1972 and began a 153-hour seige, it

Despite 26th Amendment, Students Face Ballot-Box Barriers

The passage of the 26th Amendment to the Constitution in 1971 gave 18-year-olds the right to vote everywhere in America

Lamont Changes Loaning Policies

Starting next week, Lamont Library will lend books for four weeks at a time and will accept e-mail renewals, librarians

Radcliffe Awards Highest Honor Fay, Levi Prizes

The highest honor a Radcliffe woman can receive went to a biochemistry concentrator with a 14.5 cumulative GPA and a

Theses Earn Hoopes Prizes For 49 Seniors

War-torn Niger, electron-positron colliders and astral planes helped some of Harvard's most talented thesis writers win Thomas Temple Hoopes Prizes

Hilles Library Elevator Mishap Traps Student

An unidentified male student spent roughly two hours trapped in an elevator at Hilles Library on Saturday evening, according to

Dukakis Tells Pre-Frosh to Enter politics

With the Cold War over, now is the time for young people to enter politics, 1988 Democratic Presidential Nominee Michael

'Frosh Flood Yard

Sporting red folders, playing the name game at socials and researching party life, roughly 940 pre-frosh will sample Harvard's fruits

Currier Closet Fire Forces Late Evacuation

A closet fire in a Currier House room brought in five fire trucks and forced an evacuation of the house

Gay Professionals Speak At Queer Harvard Month

As part of Queer Harvard Month, students last night listened to nine professionals discuss how their homosexuality has affected their

Jackson To Join Bunting

The third Radcliffe Junior Faculty Fellowship at the Bunting Institute was officially awarded yesterday. Shannon P. Jackson, assistant professor of
